(par 3.11.2) 2006-08-01 Stocking rate vs. stock density

Aug 1, 2006 Jim Gerrish http://beefmagazine.com/mag/beef_stocking_rate_vs I’ve found recently that a number of cattlemen and other livestock producers really don’t understand the difference between stocking rate and stock density. Some tend…

Continue Reading(par 3.11.2) 2006-08-01 Stocking rate vs. stock density

(par 3.11.2) Understanding carrying capacity and stocking rates in grazing systems

https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industry/agriculture/crop-growing/grazing-and-pasture-management/improved-production/carrying-capacity-stocking-rates Long-term carrying capacity Long-term carrying capacity is the average number of animals that a grazing area can be expected to support over a set period (e.g. 10+ years). To…

Continue Reading(par 3.11.2) Understanding carrying capacity and stocking rates in grazing systems

(par 3.11.1) Tourism carrying capacity (taken from wikipedia)

rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Tourism carrying capacity is a now antiquated approach to managing visitors in protected areas and national parks which evolved out of the fields of range,…

Continue Reading(par 3.11.1) Tourism carrying capacity (taken from wikipedia)