ECOSYSTEMS FOR NEWBIES - Eight lessons in basic ecology

‘Ecosystems for Newbies’, offers an introduction to the natural environment as an integrated system in a way all of us can understand and relate to. Environmental Education is included in the South African National School Curriculum as a cross-curriculum subject. This 50 page document  consist of 8 fundimental lessons which review much of the  environmental education (EE) outcomes of the National School Curriculum (Grade 1 to Grade 12). It effectively integrates  environmental content from the learning areas Biology, Geography and Science, to present a clear view of the interrelated functioning of the natural world.

We have written this essay to encourage and enable readers to consider  environmental matters in a more discerning fashion. Reading through the essay will enable learners and teachers from various learning areas (Biology / Geography / Science) to have a clear view of the interrelated functioning of the natural world.

The structure of the essay has been influenced by the textbook “An Ecological Guide to Sustainable Living in Southern Africa” by Professor M.L. Hugo and Jean Hugo. 

We believe the information will be useful as a solid ecological foundation to young people (and their teachers) who have some tough environmental decisions waiting upon them in the very near future.

For additional information or to purchase the manual, please contact Jean Hugo at