(par 4.2.5) Dolphin’s extinction could cause ripple effect

http://www.iol.co.za/scitech/science/environment/dolphin-s-extinction-could-cause-ripple-effect-1.1256412March 14 2012 at 04:00pm By David Barber REUTERS The government says the main areas where the Maui dolphins are found are protected by marine mammal sanctuaries and restrictions on…

Continue Reading(par 4.2.5) Dolphin’s extinction could cause ripple effect

(par 4.2.5) The ecosystem engineers of the deep

http://www.iol.co.za/scitech/science/environment/the-ecosystem-engineers-of-the-deep-1.1716323 July 8 2014 at 06:00pm By John Yeld A blue whale surfaces in the Bass Strait waters off Australia. Cape Town – It’s well established that large terrestrial animals…

Continue Reading(par 4.2.5) The ecosystem engineers of the deep