(par Building back better: A sustainable, resilient recovery after COVID-1

Building back better: A sustainable, resilient recovery after COVID-19  https://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy-responses/building-back-better-a-sustainable-resilient-recovery-after-covid-19-52b869f5/ 5 June 2020 Abstract For the economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis to be durable and resilient, a return to…

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(par ‘Care for nature’ to keep people safe and well, leaders urge

'Care for nature' to keep people safe and well, leaders urge https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-environment-nature-health-trfn-idUSKBN23C1Y5 By Megan Rowling BARCELONA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The COVID-19 crisis has exposed how the health of people and…

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(par ) Young African Penguins Are Dying Because They Can’t Find the Fish They Need

Young African Penguins Are Dying Because They Can’t Find the Fish They Need http://allafrica.com/stories/201703020102.html  The Conversation, 22 FEBRUARY 2017 By Katrin Ludynia, University of Cape Town and Richard Sherley, University…

Continue Reading(par ) Young African Penguins Are Dying Because They Can’t Find the Fish They Need