(par Is Meat Sustainable?
Is Meat Sustainable? http://www.worldwatch.org/node/549 Now, It’s Not Personal! But like it or not, meat-eating is becoming a problem for everyone on the planet. Ask people where they’d rank meat-eating as…
Is Meat Sustainable? http://www.worldwatch.org/node/549 Now, It’s Not Personal! But like it or not, meat-eating is becoming a problem for everyone on the planet. Ask people where they’d rank meat-eating as…
How have pastoral ecosystems changed in response to livestock and human-use changes? http://www.fao.org/docrep/008/y8344e/y8344e07.htm Overgrazing A discussion of the impacts of grazing is provided in the preceding section and will not…
Global warming study raises the steaks http://mg.co.za/article/2014-07-31-global-warming-study-raises-the-steaks 31 Jul 2014 00:00Damian Carrington Latest research shows that eating less red meat would have a greater impact in cutting carbon emissions than…