(par 2.2.1. 1.4) Photosynthesis – What is it?

Introduction to photosynthesis http://www.eschooltoday.com/photosynthesis/introduction-to-photosynthesis.html Every living creature needs food or energy to survive. Some depend on others for food and energy, whiles others can produce their own food. Plants make…

Continue Reading(par 2.2.1. 1.4) Photosynthesis – What is it?

(par 2.2.1 ) A-biotic components & ecosystem-functioning

http://www.bcb.uwc.ac.za/Sci_Ed/grade10/ecology/abiotic/abiot.htm Abiotic components The way in which plants and animals grow and carry out their different activities is a result of several abiotic factors. These factors are light, temperature, water,…

Continue Reading(par 2.2.1 ) A-biotic components & ecosystem-functioning