(par CAUSES & IMPACTS – Climate change and agriculture (taken from Wikipedia)

Effects of climate change on agriculture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_climate_change_on_agriculture From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For contributions of agricultural activities to climate change, see Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. U.S. and African leaders meet…

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(par 7.3.5 ) Time running out for climate transformation

Time running out for climate transformation https://mg.co.za/article/2014-11-03-time-running-out-for-climate-transformation/  By Staff Reporter MAIL & GUARDIAN .Time is running out to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius (2°C), the United Nations’ climate experts…

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(par 7.3.5 ) South Africa’s Carbon Emission Targets Not Nearly Ambitious Enough

South Africa’s carbon emission targets not nearly ambitious enough https://www.groundup.org.za/article/south-africas-carbon-emission-targets-not-nearly-ambitious-enough/   South Africa is the most carbon-intensive G20 economy with the highest coal reliance By Robyn HugoOpinion | South Africa To hear President…

Continue Reading(par 7.3.5 ) South Africa’s Carbon Emission Targets Not Nearly Ambitious Enough