(par 7.3.5 ) Climate change in South Africa (taken from Wikipedia)

Climate change in South Africa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_in_South_Africa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Climate change in South Africa is leading to increased temperatures and rainfall variability. Evidence shows that extreme weather events are becoming more…

Continue Reading(par 7.3.5 ) Climate change in South Africa (taken from Wikipedia)

(par 7.3.4) Rewilding projects aim to turn back clock on environment

Rewilding projects aim to turn back clock on environment https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/rewilding-projects-aim-to-turn-back-clock-on-environment-1.2834241#:~:text=After%20centuries%20of%20negative%20human,to%20a%20more%20natural%20state By Anik See The human impact of centuries of destruction and manipulation of the landscape to extract resources and build…

Continue Reading(par 7.3.4) Rewilding projects aim to turn back clock on environment

(par 7.3.4) Enviro crime Worth $213bn Financing Global Terrorism

Environment Crime Worth $213bn Financing Global Terrorism By Jayalakshmi K http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/environment-crime-worth-213bn-financing-global-terrorism-1456366 Illegal logging and forest crime have an estimated worth of US$30 to US$100 billion annually.REUTERS/Mariana Bazo Global environmental crime, worth…

Continue Reading(par 7.3.4) Enviro crime Worth $213bn Financing Global Terrorism