(par 7.3.5 ) Climate Change, Basic Rights, and International Obligations

Climate Change, Basic Rights, and International Obligations  http://yris.yira.org/essays/681 Posted on August 2012 by editor / 0 Comment  Introduction: The Impact of Climate Change on Basic Human Rights Climate change poses an immense and growing threat to…

Continue Reading(par 7.3.5 ) Climate Change, Basic Rights, and International Obligations

(par 7.3.5 ) Effects of Global Warming on Human Health (taken from Wikipedia)

Effects of climate change on human health https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_climate_change_on_human_health#:~:text=The%20direct%2C%20indirect%20and%20social,%2C%20allergies%2C%20injuries%20and%20poisoning From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Increasing heat waves are one effect of climate change that impacts human health: Illustration of urban heat exposure via a temperature distribution map:…

Continue Reading(par 7.3.5 ) Effects of Global Warming on Human Health (taken from Wikipedia)

(par 7.3.5 ) Drought bites as Amazon’s ‘flying rivers’ dry up

Drought bites as Amazon’s ‘flying rivers’ dry up https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/15/drought-bites-as-amazons-flying-rivers-dry-up#:~:text=The%20unprecedented%20drought%20now%20affecting,centre%20and%20south%20of%20Brazil By Jan Rocha for Climate News Network, part of the Guardian Environment Network Scientists say deforestation and climate change responsible for…

Continue Reading(par 7.3.5 ) Drought bites as Amazon’s ‘flying rivers’ dry up