Study Package
- About us: As environmentalists with a sound academic foundation, we believe we can substantially assist in counteracting the imminent ecological disaster successfully by encouraging environmentally responsible behaviour.
- An Ecological Guide for Sustainable Land Use: The user friendly scientific manual An Ecological Guide to Sustainable Land Use in Southern Africa, by Prof. ML Hugo and Jean Hugo, is already in use at a number of Universities and Technikons. It interprets our resource base and the way in which we are either efficiently utilizing or mismanaging it. The textbook offers solutions for pragmatic ecological planning based on the sustainable directives as laid down by Nature. “Nature knows best”. No educational institution should fail to bring this urgent message to our future leaders. If ordered directly from us, we can offer the Textbook, at virtually half the price charged by retailers. An inspection copy is available for lecturers that would like to assess the study material for use in their classes.
- Supplementary Info:The associated website supplies regularly updated environmental information. It expounds the theoretical foundation of every paragraph of the textbook.
- Video Page: From the Video Page you can link to videos that illustrate information expressed in the Textbook.
- Ecosystems for Newbies: We also share 7 FREE introductory lessons for beginners that have not had specific exposure to prepare them for further studies in the environmental field.
- Social Media: Become part of the discussion on our Twitter platform ( by sharing your views on environmental issues.
Study Package Components

Text Book
This study package is unique in that it integrates the basic principles of nature with land use issues as practiced in Southern Africa today.

Supplementary Articles
Supplementary Articles enables visitors to the site to understand recent environmental events, actions or developments in the proper conceptual context.
Supplementary Videos
The printed documentation sources in Supplementary Information are supplemented by video material that presents a dynamic picture of all the relevant issues.

Eco Newbies
Seven lessons in basic ecology that offers an introduction to the natural environment as an integrated system in a way all of us can understand and relate to.